Hurry to get|40 Common Arabic Phrases and Expressions.(start now)

40 Common Arabic Phrases and Expressions.

Begin learning the most common Arabic phrases. People are learning Arabic. Arabic is a fascinating and melodic language that is widely regarded as the happiest in the world. So, why not learn a few basic Arabic phrases and expressions to improve your overall

knowledge and make you happier in the process?

Hurry to get|40 Common Arabic Phrases and Expressions

Basic Arabic sentences

• هلاً (ahlaan!): Hello!
• مساء الخير (Massa'a Alkhayr): Good evening.
• ليلة سعيدة (Layla Sa'eeda): Good night!
• ما اسمك؟ (Ma Aismuk?): What is your name?
• أهلا وسهلا ('Ahlan Vasahlan): Welcome!
• كيف أصل إلى هناك، من فضلك؟ Kayf asil ela hunak, min fadlik? How can I get there?
• أراك في المرة القادمة. (Arak fi almara alqadima.) See you next time.
• أراك قريبًا! (Arak Qariban!): See you soon!
• لنمرح قليلا. (Lenamrah Qaleelan): Let us have some fun.
• وداعًا! (wada'an!): Bye!
• شكرًا لك. (Shukran Lak): Thank you.
• العفو. (al'afw): You are welcome.
• اعذرني! (ouzurni): Excuse me!
• كم عمرك؟ (kam omruk?) How old are you?
• أنا عمري ... سنة. (Ana Omri... Sana): I am... years old.
• لا تقلق! (La Taqlaqi): Do not worry!

Top ten Arabic phrases and sentences you should know. We have compiled a list of common Arabic expressions to help you have a basic conversation in Arabic in no time. Let’s dive in!

1. صباح الخير = Good morning. If you find yourself in Dubai, it is always polite to say “Hi” every morning because Arabic speakers are extremely friendly. “Good morning” in Arabic is “صباح الخير”.

2. “Good afternoon.” But what if it is late in the day, and you want to greet someone from Saudi Arabia? In Arabic, the phrase “Good afternoon” is “مساء الخير”.

3. واسمي علي. = My name is Ali. Assume your name is Ali, you are traveling to Kuwait, and you meet someone on the street. To introduce yourself, say “انا اسمي علي” which means “My name is Ali” in Arabic.

4. I am happy to meet you. After introducing yourself, an Arabic speaker would say “أنا سعيد بلقائك” which means “I’m pleased to meet you” in Arabic.

5. كيف حالك؟: How are you? At this point, it might be polite to ask the person you’re speaking with, “How are you?” in Arabic.

6. بخير, شكرا. Fine, thank you. And you? If, on the other hand, an Arabic speaker asks you first how you’re doing, this is how you should politely respond. Apply the unspoken rule of politeness wherever you go, and many doors will happily open in your path.

7. من فضلك واحد بيرة. = I want a beer. And, if you find yourself in a bar while visiting Qatar, you may need to learn how to order a beer in Arabic.

8. انا آسف. = I apologize. When an ordered item is unavailable, a bartender may say “انا آسف,” which translates to “I’m sorry” in Arabic.

9. إلى اللقاء قريبًا! (See you soon!) This is a good way to say “See you soon” in Arabic to a coworker from Dubai that you are probably going to see the next day.

10. مع السلامه = Goodbye. Finally, let us discuss the most polite way to end a pleasant conversation. This is another way to say “goodbye” in Arabic.

Arabic phrases used in specific situations, Arabic landmark. Here you will find a variety of Arabic phrases for specific situations, organized by category. We hope this resource is useful to language learners, travelers, business people, and anyone interested in Arabic culture.

At a restaurant or café
• هل يمكنني رؤية قائمة الطعام، من فضلك؟ (hal yumkinuni ruyat qayimat altaeami, min fadlika?): Can I see the menu?

• هل أستطيع تناول كأس آخر من الشاي؟ (hal astatie tanawul kas akhar min alshaay?): May I have another cup of coffee?

• إنه لذيذ! (ennahu laziz): It’s delicious.

• الفاتورة، من فضلك. (Alfatora, please give me the bill.

Getting around
• أين يوجد مطعم جيد؟ (Ayn Yujad Mateam Jayid): Where can I find a good restaurant?
• أين هو مترو الانفاق؟ (‘Ayn Hu Mitru Alianfaqi?) Where is the Subway?
• أين محطة القطار؟ (Ayn mahattat alqitar?) Where is the train station?
• Tadhkirat wahida / tadhkaratayn: One ticket/two tickets.تذكرة واحدة

• كم يكلف؟ (Kam Yukalif): How much is it?
• هل لديكم ...؟ (Hal Ladaykum...): Do you have...?
• هل تستطيع مساعدتي؟ (Hal Tastatee'a Musa'adati): Can you assist me?

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