Mastering the Pronunciation of the Arabic Letter ط ṭāʾa LEARN NOW

How to Pronounce the ṭā Arabic Letter ط {ṭāʾa} LEARN NOW

How to Say the Letter ط {ṭāʾa} in Arabic

ṭā Arabic The Arabic language is known for its unique and beautiful script, which consists of 28 letters. One of these letters is ط, pronounced as Letter ط {ṭāʾa}. In this article, we will explore how to pronounce the letter ط and provide examples of words and sentences that include it. We will also discuss the shape of the letter and how it is written.

Mastering the Pronunciation of the Arabic Letter ط ṭāʾa LEARN NOW
Mastering the Pronunciation of the Arabic Letter ط ṭāʾa LEARN NOW

Pronunciation of ط {ṭāʾa}

The letter ط represents a sound that is similar to the English “t” sound, but with a stronger emphasis on the “t” and a slight hissing sound. To pronounce it correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Place the tip of your tongue against the back of your upper front teeth.
  2. Exhale forcefully through your mouth, creating a burst of air.
  3. Release the tip of your tongue from the back of your teeth while making the “t” sound.

It may take some practice to get the pronunciation right, but with time and effort, you will be able to pronounce ط accurately.

Harakat with letter ta

Pronunciation Guide for Arabic Letter ط (ṭāʾ)

Vowel Marks:

  • Fatḥa: َ – Sounds like “AA” (as in “father”)
  • Kasrah: ِ – Sounds like “EE” (as in “feet”)
  • Dammah: ُ – Sounds like “UU” (as in “moon”)
  • Jazm/Sokoun: ْ – Indicates a silent letter (no vowel sound)
  • Shadda: ّ – Indicates doubling of the consonant sound

Pronunciation Examples:

  • طَ: ṭa (with Fatḥa) – Pronounced like “ṭ” in the English word “brittle”
  • طِ: ṭe (with Kasrah) – Pronounced like “ṭ” followed by a short “e” sound
  • طُ: ṭu (with Dammah) – Pronounced like “ṭ” followed by a short “oo” sound
  • طْ: ṭ (with Jazm/Sokoun) – Silent “ṭ” (no vowel sound)
  • طَّ: ṭṭ (with Shadda) – Pronounced like “ṭ” doubled (emphasized “ṭ” sound)

Additional Notes:

  • The Shadda symbol (ّ) indicates that a consonant is doubled. This means it’s pronounced twice in quick succession.
  • When a letter with Shadda is followed by a vowel mark, the vowel is pronounced after the doubled consonant.


  • سِطَّ: siṭṭa – The “ṭ” is doubled, and the “a” sound (Fatḥa) follows it.

Remember: Arabic pronunciation requires practice to master the correct sounds and tongue placement. Listen to native Arabic speakers and use online resources to refine your pronunciation.

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How Ta is written

The letter Ta has four shapes: isolated, initial, medial and final.

Letter ط {ṭāʾa}

Examples of Words and Sentences

Now let’s look at some examples of words and sentences that include the letter ط:

  • طائرة (ṭāʾira) – airplane
  • مطعم (maṭʿam) – restaurant
  • طالب (ṭālib) – student
  • طبيب (ṭabīb) – doctor
  • طريق (ṭarīq) – road

Here are some sentences to further illustrate the usage of ط:

  • أرى الطائرة في السماء. (Arā al-ṭāʾira fī as-samāʾ) – I see the airplane in the sky.
  • أحب أكل الطعام في المطعم. (Uḥibb akol aṭ-ṭaʿām fī al-maṭʿam) – I love eating food in the restaurant.
  • أنا طالب في الجامعة. (Anā ṭālib fī al-jāmiʿah) – I am a student at the university.

Shape of the Letter ط

The letter ط has a distinct shape in Arabic script. It is written from right to left and consists of several connected strokes. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write ط:

  1. Start at the top right corner of the writing space.
  2. Move diagonally downwards and to the left, creating a slanted stroke.
  3. Curve the stroke to the right, forming a loop shape.
  4. Continue the stroke downwards, parallel to the first stroke.
  5. Curve the stroke to the left, creating another loop shape.
  6. Finish the stroke by moving diagonally upwards and to the right, connecting it to the top of the letter.

It is important to practice writing the letter ط to familiarize yourself with its shape and to develop your Arabic handwriting skills.


The letter ط, pronounced as “ṭāʾa”, is an integral part of the Arabic alphabet. By following the pronunciation guide and practicing the examples provided, you will be able to confidently say and write words that include this letter. Remember, consistent practice is key to mastering any new language skill, including Arabic.

Are you ready to increase your Arabic skills? Explore our engaging Arabic Lessons for Beginners starting at just $40. Visit our website at Alphabet Arabic Academy for more comprehensive resources. For personalized guidance, please fill our booking form on the Contact Us form.

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Happy learning!




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