The Arabic Letter Sheen
(Letter Sheen) The Arabic language is rich and diverse, with a beautiful script that has captivated people around the world. One of the letters in the Arabic alphabet is the Sheen, which is pronounced as “sh” in English.
In this blog post, we will explore Letter Sheen and provide word samples to help you learn and familiarize yourself with this letter.

Introduction to the Letter Sheen
The Sheen is the fifteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet. and It is written as ش in Arabic script and has a soft sound similar to the English “sh” sound.
This letter is an essential component of many Arabic words and plays a significant role in the language’s phonetics.
Rephrased Table: The Shin ش
Note: While I cannot directly manipulate the WordPress table format, I can provide a textual representation that conveys the same information.
Here’s a textual representation of the table:
Position | Isolated | Initial | Medial | Final |
ــش | ــشــ | شـ | ش |
This table illustrates the different forms of the Arabic letter Shin (ش) in various positions within a word.
Some words that have the sheen “ش” are:
We’ll offer you a few examples to help you understand and further facilitate the course..
The first Sheen (“ش”):
The word’s initial letter, Sheen, is connected from the left side exclusively.
- شمس – Sun, pronounced “Shams.”
- شارع – Street, pronounced “Shaari’.”
- شرق – East, pronounced “Sharq.”
Word Samples with the Sheen
Learning new words is an excellent way to expand your vocabulary and improve your understanding of a language. Here are some word samples that contain the Sheen:
- شمس (shams) – This word means “sun” in Arabic. The Sheen is the first letter in this word, and its pronunciation gives the word its unique sound.
- شجرة (shajarah) – The word for “tree” in Arabic is شجرة. The Sheen appears in the word’s initial, contributing to its pronunciation.
- شهر (shahr) – In Arabic, شهر means “month.” The Sheen is the second letter in this word, and its pronunciation gives the word its distinct sound.
- شمال (shamal) – The Arabic word for “north” is شمال. The Sheen appears in the word’s initial and is pronounced as “sh,” contributing to the word’s meaning.
- شعر (sha’r) – شعر means “hair” in Arabic. The letter Sheen is the second letter in this word and plays a vital role in its pronunciation.
Common Phrases with the Letter Sheen
In addition to individual words, the letter Sheen is also present in many common Arabic phrases. and Here are a few examples:
- شكراً (shukran) – This phrase means “thank you” in Arabic. The Sheen appears midway through the word and adds to its pronunciation.
- شوكة (shawkah) – The Arabic word for “fork” is شوكة. The Sheen appears midway through the word and contributes to its pronunciation.
- شكل (shakl) – شكل means “shape” or “form” in Arabic. The Sheen appears at the word’s initial, giving it its unique sound.
The middle Sheen:
Halfway through the word, the letter Sheen connects the two sides of the word.
Here’s the rephrased table:
Arabic | English | Pronunciation |
حشرة | Insect | Hashara |
خشب | Wood | Khashab |
فراشة | Butterfly | Farasha |
The terminal Sheen “ش” :
The word’s final letter, Sheen, is only connected from the right side.
Here’s the rephrased table:
Arabic | English | Pronunciation |
جحش | Colt | Jahsh |
عطش | Thirst | Atash |
وحش | Monster | Wahsh |
•Note :
It is possible for the final letter, Sheen, to stand alone from the other letters in the word.
•Examples :Here’s the rephrased table:
Arabic | English | Pronunciation |
رموش | Eyelashes | Romosh |
قماش | Fabric | Qomash |
قرش | Shark | Qirsh |
How to pronounce Sheen “ش” ?
The tongue contacting the beginning of the laurel produces the gingival Gary sound, and the vocal cords do not vibrate when pronouncing the Sheen.
To pronounce the letter shin correctly, the uvula must stop the nasal channel and the tongue must obstruct the airway at the beginning of the antrum (the hard roof of the throat).
Only then can the airway be allowed to flow through , and producing the sheen sound.
In the phonetic alphabet, the Sheen is /ʃ/.
There are three distinct sounds for Sheen
Here’s the rephrased text:
Sheen with Harakat (الحركات)
- The letter Sheen with Fatha (شَ – “فتحة”):
When “Sheen” has a Fatha mark (شَ), it produces a sound similar to “Sh” in the English word “Shape.”
Arabic | English | Pronunciation |
شَراب | Drink | Sharaab |
شَمعة | Candle | Shamaa |
شَرط | Condition | Shartt |
Sheen with damma شُ”ضمة”:
In this instance, the letter “Sheen” has the same sound as the two “Sh”s in the word “Short.”
Here’s the rephrased table:
Arabic | English | Pronunciation |
شُروق | Sunrise | Shoruuq |
شُعلة | Flame | Shoela |
شُجاع | Brave | Shojae |
The Letter Sheen with Kasra (شِ – “كسرة”):
When the letter “Sheen” has a Kasra mark (شِ), it sounds similar to the “Sh” in the word “Sheep.”
Arabic | English | Pronunciation |
شِدة | Intensity | Shidda |
شِجار | Quarrel | Shijaar |
شِعار | Logo | Shiaar |
The Letter Sheen with Sukoon (شْ – “سكون”):
When the letter “Sheen” has a Sukoon mark (شْ), it produces the same sound as the “Sh” in the word “Shrimp.”
Arabic | English | Pronunciation |
مشْكلة | Problem | Mushkila |
تشْريح | Anatomy | Tashreeh |
مشْمش | Apricot | Mishmish |
The Sheen is an integral A section of the Arabic alphabet and is used in numerous words and phrases. By familiarizing yourself with words and phrases that contain the Sheen
you can enhance your understanding of the Arabic language and improve your pronunciation.
Practice these word samples and phrases to strengthen your Arabic skills and explore the beauty of the Arabic script.
What is the letter Shin in Arabic?
The Arabic letter “ش” is commonly referred to as “Sheen” in Arabic phonology. It is one of the 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet and corresponds to the “sh” sound, like the “sh” in “ship” or “shine.”
Arabic letters generally represent specific sounds, making “ش” distinctive as it exclusively produces the “sh” sound.
Here’s a more detailed response to each question:
- What is the letter Shin in Arabic?
The Arabic letter “ش” is commonly referred to as “Sheen” in Arabic phonology. It is one of the 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet and corresponds to the “sh” sound, like the “sh” in “ship” or “shine.” Arabic letters generally represent specific sounds, making “ش” distinctive as it exclusively produces the “sh” sound. - How do you write Sheen?
The letter “Sheen” in Arabic is written as “ش.” It has a unique form with three dots placed above it in a triangular shape, distinguishing it from other Arabic letters. In handwritten and printed Arabic, “ش” can change its shape slightly depending on its position within a word:
- Isolated (standalone): ش
- Beginning of a word: شـ
- Middle of a word: ـشـ
- End of a word: ـش
How do you say “ش”?
The letter “ش” is pronounced as “sheen” in Arabic, which is the name of the letter itself. To pronounce it, make an “sh” sound by positioning your tongue toward the roof of your mouth, similar to the “sh” in “she” or “shoe.” Arabic speakers would call this sound “sheen.”
What is the Arabic letter Shin?
“Shin” or “Sheen” in Arabic is represented by “ش.” It corresponds to the same sound in Hebrew (also known as “Shin” in Hebrew), but it’s referred to as “Sheen” in Arabic.
The letter is essential in Arabic phonetics, as it contributes to many common words, and the “sh” sound is also widely used in other Semitic languages.
How do you pronounce “ش”?
The pronunciation of “ش” is similar to the “sh” sound in English words like “shop” or “shine.” It is a voiceless sound, produced without vibrating the vocal cords.
To make this sound in Arabic, keep your tongue near the roof of your mouth, and push air between your tongue and the roof to create the “sh” sound. In Arabic phonetics, this sound is called “sheen.”